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+48 33 846 60 30

Terminations of connection cables on the device side


For fixed installation or use in dry areas. Not suitable for outdoor use, i.e. in the ground or in water. May not be laid in areas exposed to harsh weather conditions.For connecting mobile receivers in dry and damp rooms, with medium mechanical load (eg. household appliances).Used in damp rooms, inside appliances under ordinary duty (e.g.: washing machines, centrifuges, dryers, refrigerators, portable household or workshop appliances) if permitted by the relevant equipment regulations.For connecting audio and video devices and household appliances, in light duty, in dry rooms and offices.
including in connection cables for household appliances, audio-visual equipment, medical devices, boiler controllers, electronics, and the IT industry.


Plug C-5 (female)

Plug C-5 (female)

Rated current: 2,5A
1 class equipmentfor class I equipment

Plug C-13 (female)
Plug C-13 (female)

Rated current: 10A
1 class equipmentfor class I equipment

Plug C-13, angled (female)
Plug C-13, angled (female)

Rated current: 10A
1 class equipmentfor class I equipment

Plug C-14 (male)
Plug C-14 (male)

Rated current: 10A
1 class equipmentfor class I equipment

Plug C-14, angled (male)
Plug C-14, angled (male)

Rated current: 10A
1 class equipmentfor class I equipment

Plug C-19 (female)
Plug C-19 (female)

Rated current: 16A
1 class equipmentfor class I equipment

Plug C-20 (male)
Plug C-20 (male)

Rated current: 16A
1 class equipmentfor class I equipment

A print-friendly version can be found in the PDF datasheet of appliance couplers

All technical data provided in the cable datasheet and on this page are for informational purposes only and may change without prior notice. They do not constitute an complete list of possible cable variations. We are eager to develop and manufacture additional constructions listed in the standards, as well as custom versions upon request.

Technical details and the offer may change according to market needs and the requirements of applicable standards.